
30/3度詰め天竺30/3 jersey


This jersey is made by knitting three twisted yarns of No. 30 Peruvian extra-long staple cotton using the Zero Torque® method. It is then knitted to the maximum degree of knit density. It is 12 oz. fabric that is as thick as denim but surprisingly soft.

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60/3度詰め天竺60/3 jersey


This jersey is knitted in Bishu from American San Joaquin cotton yarns twisted three times using the Zero Torque® method. It is 6 oz. fabric that is soft and comfortable without being transparent. It is a material that you will always want to pick up and use.

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60/3×30/2インレー裏パイル60/3×30/2 inlay pile


A thick yet lightweight original fabric developed for comfort.The outer material is made from three American Sun Joaquin long cotton yarns tied together using a special method called Zero Torque®, and the inner pile material uses 30/2 combed yarn to stabilize its physical properties.Twisting three thin threads together creates a bulge in the fabric, and inlay knitting creates a fabric that is both dense and lightweight.